Maybe the MOST HARDCORE GAME there is because it requires you to forget completely everything you are and everything you know. You forget the nature of reality and consciousness entirely and enter into a TIME/SPACE/PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION MATRIX that is designed in such a way that it can not be completed and left until you figure out and beat the GAME. It’s dangerous in this way and has been hijacked but we will get into that later. 

This format is very effective for learning and evolution because the physical manifestation of your thoughts and actions allows you to experience consequences in very tangible and long term ways. This is what they call KARMA. What you set into motion in your first game continues through each reset (lifetimes) until you catch the error and set it right. Such consequences can be global or even galactic let alone personally life altering. Until you figure out every misstep you have made and until you undo every illusion you can not get out o the physical game. This makes it very intense and very dangerous though it has generated the smartest and most impeccable beings in the universe.

Before you enter THE EARTH GAME  you set a series of themes and lessons for yourself and you select a difficulty level. You have a small group of gamers who join you in creating a story that will help you each explore your themes: for instance the girl who wants to learn to stand in her power may wish to be a peasant who moves up the ranks to QUEEN and the boy who wishes to learn surrender may play a KING who learns to support the peasant in her reign. Gamers will play repeatedly until they have all conquered their desired lessons and created their target outcome. 

Now to the hijacking. Unfortunately some beings who could be qualified as PARASITIC (meaning they draw their life force not from their own inner energy but from external sources) took advantage of the EARTH GAME long ago. They saw an opportunity for HARVESTING energy from the physical beings and created specific ideas and systems designed to keep the beings on EARTH from learning their lessons and progressing out of the game. These structures such as religion and government and most modern technology keep the EARTH BEING placated and diverted from their game in endless distraction, control, confusion, and limitation. There is so much more to their technique but this is the basics. They keep everyone who is in the simulation stuck there and then stimulate desired emotions etc so that they may feed off of them. Again there is infinitely more to it but we begin with a peak. 

The trick to getting out is to take control of one’s own consciousness and to prioritize theme development and independent thought and action above all else. I believe that the dissolution of modern societal structures would help tremendously but I understand that this is a tall order (though I believe it’s the only thing that really matters as individualized points of consciousness have been at it for millennia longer than planned. They are brilliant now but stuck and tired. This is a prison) 

The trouble with Neuralink. This traps consciousness in the most powerful prison yet as it uploads and confines it to the artificial cloud: no coincidence, just as humanity is ready to break free from PARASITE traps and get out of the game. This is their big bang last ditch attempt to trap them eternally in their own simulated battery





Outside the EARTH SIMULATION there is NOT TIME & NO SPACE. This is the easiest way to understand ETERNAL. Outside of time and space there is only now so if you exist now you exist eternally. An ETERNAL NOW 

Many people on EARTH who are locked into the idea of TIME especially believe that consciousness like the body deteriorates and dies. This is not the case. The BODY is a creation within the TIME/SPACE MATRIX 

Consciousness is collective. It is one eternal being. ONE ETERNAL PARTICLE - HOWEVER it is fragmental fractal into infinite perspectives. This is where the idea of individualized consciousness comes into play. Your individual point of focus broke away from the ONE in a sense to begin to experience its own STORY - an EPIC really. Everyone’s story begins in a different place but I assure you EARTHLINGS that this lifetime is only a blip of your very vast adventure. 

What keeps you individualized is your persistent maintenance of specifically crafted illusions or you could say simulations that you design or allow others to design so that you may play and learn in them, so that you may be and do and experience different things. 
The EARTH game is a very interesting one.


(1) Stealing energy from others is demonic

(2) To be demonic is to be in deficit

(3) To have energy that can be stolen is to be in surplus

(4) Those in surplus evolve. Those in deficit devolve

(5) Surplus comes from an inner energy source and is infinite

(6) Deficit requires external sources of energy to survive

(7) No matter how much one steals one will always devolve

(8) To give from a place of surplus increases your energy quotient as well as that of the person you are giving to because the act of giving is an energetic enhancer

(9) To steal from a place of deficit creates further deficit as the act of stealing takes more energy than it receives. This creates energetic deterioration and addiction