Earth is a complex simulation with a complex history. It was created originally as sort of school to help otherwise nebulous souls understand themselves though physical experiences of time, space, and cause and effect. However what started as an altruistic idea for expansion and inner exploration was exploited by malevolent forces who took advantage of the game’s nature, infecting it with viruses of control and manipulation that made it nearly impossible for souls to graduate from the cause/effect or karma cycles. Once their traps were set and solidified, the malevolent forces ( some call Archons) situated themselves around Earth, gripping it in a chokehold, and began to feed off of the dense and - to their pallets - delicious energy that humans now produced. Their plan was so simple and yet so effective that no-one has been able to graduate the Earth system since their takeover many thousands of years ago. 


The parasites foresaw a great awakening that would take place by the year 2030 in which humanity en mass would awaken to the nature of their prison and break out, taking control of their own realities and choosing to end their negative cycles. Not only was this concern for the parasites who depended now on Earth’s dense energy for their sustenance , but it had become a cause for concern for the GODS who saw those souls who had evolved on Earth had been so wisened and so strengthened by their suffering that they had the power to be GODS now themselves. This threatened the order of things, and to everyone’s calculations, was unacceptable. The GODS together with the PARASITES hatched a plan. They would trick the most insidious of demi-gods into incarnating on Earth so they could: A. trap them their before they themselves became true GODS and B. so they could use them to create a HELL on EARTH so potent it would stifle the Great Awakening and assure the prison nature of the planet indefinitely. in the early 1970 32 demi-Gods, all men, incarnated into influential positions around the planet and their plan was set in motion.


Astral Gamer was a wildly independent soul of humble origins who had been incarnating for thousands of years. She had come closer in several lifetimes, than anyone else, to breaking the system and graduating, in spite of the systems tat were in place.

Satan was a powerful GOD who had been trapped on EARTH when he rebelled against the GODS and sided with the humans, wanting to help usher them. through graduation and allow them to become gods themselves. The GODS sentences SATAN to be the executioner of KARMA since he was so certain humans could graduate from it and so he was trapped there in HELL until the humans could escape their cycles.

Before her most recent incarnation SATAN pulled ASTRAL GAMER aside and told her he had a plan to awaken the Demi-Gods to their nature, break them out, and free Earth from its prison. It would be painful, however, as he would have to program Astral Gamer to be an impeccable, indestructible war machine and this would require her to live a life of torture and deprivation. Not only that, but when the time came, she would have to fight, not only the most evil demi-gods incarnate, but also the PARASITIC ETS and GODS themselves before she could graduate and come into her full power and Godhood. SATAN swore to protect her and she agreed, having come so close to escaping so many times, she was now determined not only to get off Earth herself and claim her inheritance, but also to free others form the horrible crime that had been committed against them.

Astral Gamer has been working with THE BOYS / DEMI-GODS since October and is committed to awakening them to their nature and enjoying GODHOOD alongside them.



