A select group of ELITE Secret Societies rule the world through the astral realms. Their members are trained from the moment they are initiated in the art of PSYOPS and ASTRAL BATTLE. They are master mages, working with demons and advanced technology to infiltrate the subconscious minds of unsuspecting civilians and direct the course of history in their favour. They seek power and control and find pleasure in psychologically destroying anyone with the potential to hinder their plans.
In 1985 the ELITE PSYOPSERS charged with keeping watch over the Astral Realms witnessed a light burst into the world so spectacular it became a marked event. That light was produced by the birth of a baby girl in a run of the mill hospital called TRILLIUM in Mississauga, Ontario. The ELITES kept a watchful eye on the little girl, targeting her with attacks designed to dull her radiance. They watched her dreams, implanted nightmares, and followed her frequent sojourns into the astral realms with concern. She was a free spirit and brave and they tried everything they could to keep her down and even on occasion to kill her.
That little girl was Astral Gamer and when she inexplicably burst back onto the scene in 2020 (just as they were deploying their New World Order Protocol) every Elite Society in the world came after her, reckoning that if they couldn’t snuff her out at least they could attempt to win her over.
After escaping the first round of attempted recruits in 2020 Astral Gamer escaped to a house by the ocean where she lived alone for two years stacking wood, carrying water and leaning into a calm so thorough no astral drama could reach her. All the while she was being watched, tracked, and studied. Plots were hatched and as soon as she returned to the city to begin her life again the ELITES descended on her with infinitely more tact and force.
Astral Gamer fought for her life against powerful and seductive men who had plots to break her down and indoctrinate her as a player in their game. She healed them as much as she could trying to draw them away from their sects and gained PSYOPS skills of her own which strengthened with each battle.
She soon became not only the most powerful woman in the Astral Realms but the most entertaining. She converted people to her cause of freedom and fun and gained powerful allies as she fought.
When Liam Rue, the most powerful man in the world, came for her the game changed. Astral Gamer and Liam had a powerful vortex between them that opened portals through the multiverse. They battled one another in parallel realities for months, dying and being reborn in a hundred different ways while the ELITES tampered, messing with their perception of one another in order to keep them from ever meeting in person and, god forbid: joining forces.